Introducing TruckingMBA's Drug Consortium

Special Pricing for Reliance Partners Clients

Only $50 Per Year

Unlimited Drivers

Drug test only $65

Immediate Certification

We added a Trucking-only Drug Testing Consortium to TruckingMBA Compliance.

Did you know that drug testing is a key component of the driver qualification process? Unfortunately, some drug consortiums may not prioritize this important aspect of compliance. But with TruckingMBA Drug Consortium, you can rest assured that we’ve got you covered. We’ve integrated drug testing into our compliance package to make it easy for you to stay on top of requirements. And if you ever need it, we also offer our drug consortium as a stand-alone service. Our team has the expertise you can trust to ensure your drivers are qualified, safe, and compliant. So why not give us a try and see how we can help simplify your trucking compliance needs?

Partnered with Industry Leaders & Most Advanced Technology

As compliance experts for small carriers, we partnered with leading drug testing companies and use advanced technology for your peace of mind.

Talk to us to answer any questions & make sure you are starting on the correct path.

What TruckingMBA's Clients Say!

TruckingMBA not only explained everything that is required for me as a CDL driver, they also answered questions regarding driver files, my IRP, and what to expect with my New Entrant Audit. The telemarketers felt like they read a script and it was all scare tactics.
Bob Fleeps
Owner Op
After two years working with a much more expense consortium, on advice from another carrier I called Lauren at TruckingMBA.
Not only am I saving money, Lauren reviewed my driver files, for free, and showed me a couple big mistakes my staff was making.
Tom Jansen
Small Carrier
I like to be able to do all my own compliance work. For me, it is part of owning your own business and I do not mind it. But it can be a struggle some times figuring out what I need to do. Thankfully I found TruckingMBA as I got started and they are always willing to answer questions and help out. Even before I became a client. Thank you Lauren, Bill, and the whole team.
Jennifer T
Company Owner

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